What was it? A thirty minute hands-on demo. What did we learn? — The game is very slow paced, but that’s OK. — It is only by reading every text interaction found in the world that you’ll appreciate the story. — Fullbright isn’t afraid to include a swear or two. How was it? Tacoma’s demo …
Рубрика: Game preview
Previews of new game release
Buy Lords of the Fallen — Ancient Labyrinth ! NOTICE: Requires the base game Lords of the Fallen in order to play. Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account, requires internet connection. ABOUT THE GAME Discover a new campaign in the long-forgotten library, locked away between the human and demonic realms millennia …
What was it? A 30-minute hands-off gameplay demo followed by 30 minutes hands-on with four challenges. What did we learn? — Just Cause 3 looks beautiful, on PC at least. — You can blow up pretty much anything with anything. — Rico can be a complete and utter bastard with no ramifications. — The grapple …
Buy Realms of Arkania Trilogy Classic ! NOTICE: Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account, requires internet connection. THE REALMS OF ARKANIA TRILOGY CLASSIC The Realms of Arkania games (Blade of Destiny, Star Trail and Shadows of Riva) deliver a prime example of the classical European fantasy universe. Based on Germany’s most …
What was it? A 25-minute hands off presentation featuring gameplay clips. What did we learn? — JBL has been added to the commentary, and there’ll be one more special announcement soon, but there’s still the same issues of disjointed dialogue. — The crowd still looks vacant and unpopulated. — Though the wrestlers look great, as …
Buy Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure ! NOTICE: Activation key must be used on a valid Steam account, requires internet connection. ABOUT THE GAME Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure is a fantastic Action-RPG from leading Japanese developer Falcom (Developers of Ys and Zwei among other classics) featuring real-time combat, stunning 3D graphics, tons of fully voiced characters …