What was it? A 20-minute hands-off co-op playthrough of one of the game’s missions What did we learn? — Set in Bolivia, now the cocaine capital of the world. It’s being controlled by the Santa Blanca, a ruthless cartel manned with the sort of dudes you’d imagine Steven Seagal killing by the dozens. — Four …
Рубрика: Game preview
Previews of new game release
WHAT WAS IT? A 13 minute presentation followed by a 13 minute hands-on demo of a pre-alpha PC build set in the game’s Centurion Yards area, played using an Xbox One controller. HOW WAS IT? Catalyst is pretty much exactly what you were expecting — Mirror’s Edge set within an open world and with a …
What was it? A 15-minute playthrough of one stage and a boss fight. What did we learn? — Players are encouraged to use the GamePad for precision aiming…. — …Which can cause some issues. — It’s somewhat unwieldy and slow. How was it? Initially, Starfox seems like a bust. It’s not a looker, by any …